Ok. We all know, paper, plastic, glass, aluminum can be recycled....but what about all of the 'itsy-bitsy's' that we aren't sure about? Well, in an effort not to assume anything, I'm finding out. Here is a partial list of things that I have come across and wondered about. Hope it helps you on your journey. ;)
1. Post-it's, receipts, manila folders: YES, YES, YES! These can all be recycled in the paper bin as long as they aren't soiled (coffee, spit, etc.) They can be flattened or wadded up, it makes no difference and you don't even have to take the staples out! Yippee! And for those of you thinking, awww, no need to worry about those receipts, there so few and far between and they're so small, it won't make a difference....DID YOU KNOW: In the United States, alone, 220,000 tons of receipt paper are produced each year. One ton of paper is equivalent to seventeen trees. Simple math...those 220,000 tons of U.S. receipt paper require the use of 3,740,000 trees every year. (Receipts don't just grow on trees, afterall; they're made of trees!)
2. Coffee bags: Yes and No. Most coffee bags are paper on the inside and the exterior is thin aluminum which is actually not recyclable. Paper bags lined with glassine which is a thin, water resistant paper film are recyclable in total but paper bags with a wax lining are not...and paper bags with plastic lining are recyclable but must be separated and recycled separately. Tree-hugger Tip: If you frequent a local coffee house, ask if you can bring your own container!
3. Soiled Paper plates: Yes! If you want your recycling center to love you, rinse the plate, but it's not necessary to be recycled.
4. Photos or glossy photo paper: YES. The answer is yes.
5. Styrofoam is NOT recyclable. It seems like we should know this, but we don't. No, no on styrofoam.
Ok....as I come across new items in question, I will share!