Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Napping is not just for Kindergarteners!

Andis and I are nappers. We really are. One of the great many things that we've found and have undoubtedly made into a beautiful habit upon arrival to our quiet, peaceful little life in Smithville. It goes like this. The fire bell rings at noon on the dot. A few minutes later I hear a husband's feet clomping up the rickety metal stairs. Clang. Clang. Clang. Door squeaks, dog jumps up, and we ravish our lunch of sandwich, soup, leftovers, what have you and RACE, I mean, literally, RACE to the bed for as many minutes as we can squeeze into the remainder of the hour. A land of pillows and cushy blankets, the soft whir of our bedside fan, the click clack of Jackson's toenails as he too, finds a special place to slumber. It's a little peice of heaven. Undisputably.

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